Setting out on a journey to understand ourselves and live a meaningful life, we often look for a way to feel balanced and fulfilled. During this journey, the idea of 'Ikigai' stands out as a guide to help us see things clearly and with purpose, shows us the picture of what we love to do, what we're good at, what we want to achieve, and what the world needs. Let's explore with A8 Resource how this old Japanese wisdom of Ikigai can help us find a meaningful and satisfying life.

What does Ikigai mean?

'Your purpose for being,' or 'Ikigai,' is a Japanese notion. Ikigai can be used as a long-term career planner as well as a practical life philosophy and a strategy to stay strong during difficult times. It may add meaning to routine, uninteresting chores while also assisting you in determining what you genuinely value.

Why is Ikigai important?

  • Live a longer, more fulfilling being
  • Maintain a good work-life balance
  • Find the drive to work hard every single day
  • Create the work environment of your dreams and relish your job
  • Pursue your dream job

The Four Elements of Ikigai

  • What you love: contains the activities and experiences that make us feel the most alive and fulfilled
  • What you’re good at: includes anything you are especially good at
  • What you can be paid for: deals with what someone else will pay you for
  • What the world needs: directly related to helping others and going above and beyond one's own requirements.

Your ikigai is the center of the Venn diagram where all four circles intersect.


3 steps to discovering your Ikigai

Step 1. Answer some questions to find your ikigai

1. What do you love? “Are you more eager to start work than to end it?”

2. What are you good at? “Do people consult with you on matters pertaining to your line of work?”

3. What does the world need? “Is there a significant market demand for your work?”

4. What can you be paid for? “Do you have a nice income from your job?”

Step 2: Brainstorm to find your ikigai

Spend some time imagining your dream day from beginning to end, then put it on paper. Examine the inquiries to which you responded "no" to the above questions. Spend some time coming up with tiny adjustments you can make to better align your mission.

Step 3: Research to identify your ikigai

Now, think about doing some research, reading, attending classes, or hiring a coach or mentor to find out if your vision matches your expectations for the real world.

Embracing your Ikigai in 4 easy steps

  • Step 1: Set modest objectives: Create manageable monthly goals to aid in achieving your annual goals
  • Step 2: Make a plan: Use a chart, calendar, or notebook to develop weekly (or even daily) goals depending on your monthly goals.
  • Step 3: Create a support system: connect with other people who have accomplished similar achievements; or, join forces with those who share your aims.
  • Step 4: Test it out: Ask yourself: “Are you accomplishing your short- and long-term objectives?” If not, you might have to review your objectives and strategy.
After embracing the essence of Ikigai, let’s embark on a journey that leads us to a life filled with purpose, joy, and contentment. Hopefully, with this useful information from A8 Resource, you can seek alignment between your passions, talents, and the needs of the world, as you navigate the path of meaningful living.


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